Gum disease cleaning in Egypt


Gum disease :
what is it ?

Gum disease is an infection of the periodontal tissues that support the teeth. There are two types of gum disease : gingivitis and periodontal disease :
Gingivitis : it is the inflammation of the gums that leads to bleeding while brushing the teeth and the gums become very red.
Periodontal disease : in the case of the non treatment of the gingivitis it can transform into a periodontal disease that affects the tissues supporting the teeth, but, if the disease gets worse, the bone may be lost and thus the teeth may fall out.
But it is possible to treat this disease by consulting your dentist to do a gum disease cleaning after having examining your teeth and gums and taking X rays to assess the state of your mouth.

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The price of gum disease cleaning in Egypt

To obtain the price of gum disease cleaning performed in Egypt, you can ask for a free online quote by filling in the quotation request or by calling us on the phone numbers that you will find on our website and you will be in contact with one of our counselors to answer your questions and give you all the details of the treatment and the procedure.

Gum disease cleaning :
how is it performed ?

The non surgical treatment :

It is possible to treat gingivitis through daily brushing and flossing and a professional teeth cleaning realized by your dentist or by opting for a deep cleaning by performing a scaling which consists of removing plaque and tartar as well as the bacterial toxins on the surfaces of the tooth roots and to help the gums reattach to the teeth.

The surgical treatment :

If you have severe gum disease, surgery will be the best solution for you, so you will have to consult a periodontist for one of these treatments :

Flap surgery :

It consists of pulling the gums away from the teeth while removing tartar and bacteria surrounding the damaged bone and then the gums are repositioned over the teeth and sutured.

Bone and soft tissue grafts :

If the gum tissues have deteriorated, graft tissues are placed in the position of the damage.

Guide bone tissue regeneration :

The periodontist places a mesh between the damaged gum and root surface so as to prevent the gums to grow in the void caused by the bone deterioration. This aims at allowing the gums and the bone to regenerate normally to support the teeth.


After the gum disease cleaning in Egypt, the patient may feel sensitivity and bleeding may appear in his mouth, it is normal.
He must also avoid somme foods like acidic foods, challenging foods and foods that get stuck in the gums.
He will have to adopt a daily oral hygiene.
Following the recommendations of the doctor is necessary.

The results

The results of gum disease cleaning in Egypt are spectacular and the patient is no more embarrassed by the state of his teeth and gums as they become healthy.
You will notice bleeding when brushing your teeth or when eating.

Once I have suffered
from a periodontal disease, can I have it again ?

You must maintain your teeth and gums healthy by following the recommendations of your dentist and having a good oral hygiene (Brushing your teeth three times a day after each meal, flossing, visiting the dentist regularly…).

Are gum disease related
to other health problems ?

In recent years, gum disease is related to other health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease…But more research are needed to understand the link between gum disease and health problems.
But it is important to mention that having a healthy mouth (teeth and gums) can improve your general health.