Rhinoplasty in Egypt


What is rhinoplasty ?

Rhinoplasty or nose job in Egypt is a cosmetic procedure to reshape the nose by eliminating its imperfections such as a nasal bump, an excess of length or width, a very rounded nasal tip in order to improve its appearance.
This operation is performed on people over the age of 18, its aim is to allow the patient to get rid of all his nasal defects so as to regain his self-esteem and be more comfortable with his facial appearance.

How much does
a nose job surgery cost in Egypt ?

To obtain the price of a nose job surgery performed in Egypt, you can ask for a free online quote by filling in the quotation request or by calling one of our counselors for more information and details about the nose reshaping surgery.

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Nose job surgery : for whom ?

Nose job surgery, or rhinoplasty, is suitable for a variety of individuals who have concerns about the appearance or function of their nose. It may be appropriate for :

  1. Individuals dissatisfied with nasal appearance : Many people seek rhinoplasty because they are unhappy with the size, shape, or proportion of their nose. Common aesthetic concerns include a prominent dorsal hump, wide nasal bridge, bulbous tip, asymmetry, or a crooked nose. Rhinoplasty can address these issues to create a more harmonious and balanced facial appearance.
  2. Patients with breathing difficulties : Rhinoplasty can also be beneficial for individuals experiencing nasal obstruction and breathing difficulties due to structural abnormalities such as a deviated septum, nasal valve collapse, or enlarged turbinates. Functional rhinoplasty techniques aim to improve nasal airflow and alleviate symptoms such as congestion, snoring, or sleep apnea.
  3. Patients with nasal trauma : Individuals who have suffered from nasal trauma due to accidents, sports injuries, or other incidents may require rhinoplasty to correct deformities, fractures, or functional impairment resulting from the injury. Rhinoplasty techniques can restore the appearance and function of the nose following trauma.
  4. Those with congenital nasal abnormalities : Some individuals are born with congenital nasal abnormalities or developmental conditions that affect nasal structure and function. Rhinoplasty can address these concerns to improve nasal aesthetics and function, enhancing overall facial harmony and symmetry.
  5. Patients seeking facial harmony : Rhinoplasty is often sought by individuals who desire greater facial harmony and balance. A well-proportioned nose can significantly enhance overall facial aesthetics and complement other facial features. Rhinoplasty techniques can help achieve a nose that harmonizes with the rest of the face, creating a more attractive and balanced appearance.
  6. Individuals with realistic expectations : Candidates for rhinoplasty should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure. While rhinoplasty can produce significant improvements in nasal appearance and function, it is important to understand that the results may not be perfect or identical to a desired celebrity or idealized nose. Patients should discuss their goals and expectations with their surgeon to ensure they have a clear understanding of what can be achieved through rhinoplasty.
  7. Patients in good overall health : Like any surgical procedure, rhinoplasty requires patients to be in good overall health and have no contraindications to surgery. Candidates should undergo a thorough medical evaluation to assess their candidacy for rhinoplasty and discuss any medical conditions or medications that may impact the procedure or recovery process.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo rhinoplasty should be made in consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in nasal surgery. The surgeon can evaluate the patient's concerns, goals, and anatomical characteristics to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and achieves the desired outcomes.

How you prepare before rhinoplasty ?

First of all, you must consider this intervention and discuss it with your surgeon during the consultation by explaining him your expectations, then, he will advise you and give you all the details of this surgery : the different stages, the procedure, the anaesthesia, the postoperative phases, the results…
In addition, he must be informed about your medical history (nasal obstructions, previous surgeries…) and whether you are taking any medications or if you have a bleeding disorder or suffer from any other disease. He will also examine your facial features as well as the inside and the outside of your nose, your cartilage, your skin and he will give you blood tests to do in the laboratory.
Moreover, before the intervention, it is important to avoid medications containing aspirin two weeks before rhinoplasty and stop smoking.

nose job surger

It is realized under general anaesthesia and lasts between 1.5 and 3 hours.
During the surgery, the surgeon may :

  • decrease the shape of your nose by removing some of the cartilage and bone.
  • make your nose larger by taking the cartilage from the ears and bone from the hips to reconstruct the nose, it is also called graft.
  • reshape the nose which consists in breaking the bone and rearranging the cartilage.
  • modify the angle between the nose and the top tip.

Consequently, the skin must expand to its new shape.
The operation involves either open rhinoplasty which consists in making cuts across the skin between the nostrils or closed rhinoplasty by making cuts inside your nostrils, this technique leaves no scars after the surgery with less swelling.
The length of hospitalization is of 2 nights, then the patient can return home.

After rhinoplasty

After the nose job in Egypt, you will have a dressing on your nose and the surgeon will prescribe you painkillers to alleviate the pain.
Moreover, you will experience bruising, swelling and redness that will fade after three weeks and stitches will be removed after one week.
You must take a rest of two weeks.
It is important to follow the recommendations of your surgeon :

  • Keep your head up as much as possible for a couple of days, use an extra pillow during your sleep.
  • Avoid strenuous activities like jogging or football for one month to six weeks.
  • Never blow your nose during the first week following your nose job.
  • Do not take hot baths.
  • Avoid smoky places.
  • Avoid wearing your glasses for a while so as to avoid pressure on your nose.
  • Brush your teeth slowly.

It is preferable to take a rest of two weeks after your surgery and you will feel better progressively.


The results of your nose job surgery performed in Egypt are spectacular and visible from the third month after the intervention and it will be improved over time, so the patient will be satisfied with the appearance of his nose that will allow him to regain self confidence.

Is rhinoplasty painful ?

No, this operation is not painful, it is performed under general anaesthesia and after the surgery, the patient will take antibiotics prescribed by his surgeon.

Are there risks ?

This intervention risks are very small and the surgeon will explain you all the stages that follow this procedure, you will have to follow his recommendations for a successful surgery.

What are the advantages of rhinoplasty ?

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, offers several advantages for individuals seeking to improve the appearance and/or function of their nose :

  1. Enhanced facial harmony : A well-proportioned nose can significantly improve overall facial balance and harmony. Rhinoplasty can address nasal irregularities such as a dorsal hump, wide nasal bridge, or asymmetrical nostrils, helping to create a more aesthetically pleasing facial profile.
  2. Improved self-confidence : Many individuals undergo rhinoplasty to address nasal features that make them feel self-conscious or dissatisfied with their appearance. By achieving a nose that better aligns with their desired aesthetic, patients often experience increased self-esteem and confidence.
  3. Correction of breathing difficulties : Rhinoplasty can also address functional issues such as a deviated septum, nasal valve collapse, or other structural abnormalities that impede airflow and cause breathing difficulties. Functional rhinoplasty aims to improve nasal airflow, leading to better breathing and potentially alleviating symptoms such as snoring or sleep apnea.
  4. Correction of traumatic injuries : Patients who have suffered nasal trauma from accidents, sports injuries, or other incidents may benefit from rhinoplasty to restore the appearance and function of their nose. Rhinoplasty techniques can address fractures, septal deviations, and other structural damage resulting from trauma.
  5. Customization and personalization : Rhinoplasty is a highly customizable procedure that can be tailored to each patient's unique anatomical characteristics, preferences, and goals. Surgeons work closely with patients to understand their concerns and desired outcomes, allowing for personalized treatment plans that address specific aesthetic and functional concerns.
  6. Long-lasting results : When performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, rhinoplasty can produce long-lasting results that endure over time. While minor changes may occur due to the natural aging process or tissue healing, the fundamental improvements achieved through rhinoplasty are typically permanent.
  7. Improved nasal symmetry and function : Rhinoplasty can address asymmetry and irregularities in nasal shape and structure, resulting in a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Additionally, functional rhinoplasty techniques can improve nasal airflow and breathing function, enhancing overall nasal function and comfort.

Overall, rhinoplasty offers a range of benefits for individuals seeking to enhance their nasal appearance, correct functional issues, or address nasal trauma. It is essential for patients to consult a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss their goals, expectations, and candidacy for the procedure.

What types of activities should be avoided after a rhinoplasty ?

After a rhinoplasty, it is essential to follow your surgeon's postoperative instructions carefully to promote proper healing and minimize the risk of complications. While specific guidelines may vary depending on the individual case and surgical technique, here are some common activities that are typically advised to be avoided during the initial recovery period :

  1. Strenuous exercise : Avoid rigorous physical activities, including heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and activities that increase blood pressure and heart rate. These activities can increase swelling, bleeding, and discomfort in the nasal area, potentially compromising the healing process.
  2. Bending over or straining : Avoid bending over at the waist or engaging in activities that require straining, such as lifting heavy objects or performing intense abdominal exercises. These actions can increase pressure in the nasal area and may lead to bleeding or displacement of nasal structures.
  3. Blowing your nose : Refrain from blowing your nose vigorously, as this can disrupt the delicate nasal tissues and increase the risk of bleeding or affecting the final outcome of the surgery. If necessary, gently dab the nostrils with a tissue or use saline nasal spray to alleviate congestion.
  4. Wearing glasses : If you wear glasses, avoid resting them on the bridge of your nose for the first few weeks after surgery. The pressure from the glasses can cause indentations or displacement of nasal tissues, affecting the healing process and final results. Consider using alternative methods to support your glasses, such as taping them to your forehead or using prescription contacts if possible.
  5. Exposure to sunlight : Limit exposure to direct sunlight, as prolonged sun exposure can increase swelling and prolong the healing process. If you need to go outside, wear a wide-brimmed hat and apply sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  6. Smoking and alcohol consumption : Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol during the initial recovery period, as these substances can impair circulation, delay healing, and increase the risk of complications such as infection and poor wound healing.
  7. Facial expressions : Be mindful of excessive facial expressions, particularly movements that involve raising eyebrows or wrinkling the nose. These actions can strain the healing tissues and may affect the final aesthetic outcome of the surgery.

It is essential to consult your surgeon for specific postoperative instructions tailored to your needs and the details of your rhinoplasty procedure. Following these guidelines diligently can help promote a smooth and successful recovery, allowing you to achieve optimal results from your rhinoplasty surgery.